July 12, 2023

25madison Co-Founder FAQs

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25m Studio

Q: Do I need a startup idea?
A: We’re always on the lookout for A+ future founders to join our 25m team as EIRs, Product and Technology Leaders. Join us with a specific whitespace or idea in mind, or pick from our list of ideas. See our open positions.

Q: What if I already have a Business? 
A: We'd love to hear about it, contact us here.    

Q: Do I need to live in New York or Nashville?
A: Na. But we would welcome you into our office if you are NYC-based. For 25m Health, Nashville is home base and we'd love to see you.

Q: Will I get compensated while I am working at 25madison as a Founder?
A: While each relationship is different, we typically offer the following perks:

• Salary + benefits
• Access to our studio for services
• Initial capital and assistance in finding additional capital
• Founder equity in future company  

Q: What happens next?
A: Within the 6 months, we'll craft the plan and funding strategy, arming the project to move into the next phase.  

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